• Early Signs Of Lung Cancer

    Cancer is described as the malignant growth of cells in the body. Cells in a tissue or organ grow uncontrollably and attack other cells forming a tumor. Lung cancer affects the lungs and is considered to be top killer among cancer diseases. Statistics have shown that those diagnosed with...
  • Living with Narcolepsy

    Fighting daily exhaustion and bouts of slipping into sleep accidentally can be stressful and wear heavily on everyday life. But for those with narcolepsy, it is simply the way that life is. While doctors may prescribe medication for narcolepsy, there is no guarantee those drugs will work. On top...
  • Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

    Disorders of the digestive tract can be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms like stomach cramps, nausea and alternating diarrhea and constipation can indicate anything from anxiety to colon cancer. But there’s one symptom of ulcerative colitis that lets you know that this is the condition you might be suffering from....
  • How Much Should You Pay For A Hearing Aid

    At certain points in our lives we may lose our hearing ability. It is in such times that we realize we need a hearing aid. A hearing aid is, as the name suggests, a little device that is often tucked inside our ears that helps us with hearing. This...
  • 5 Ways to Stay Fit at the Office

    It’s estimated that around 60% of the population spends at least six hours each day sitting down, and one of the driving forces behind this statistic is the fact that many people work office jobs. Being seated for so long each day contributes to a whole host of negative...
  • What You Should Know About Chronic Stress?

    “I’m so stressed out.” While practically everyone has muttered this at least a few times, some feel that way constantly. They may even be completely debilitated by it, both physically and psychologically. An occasional bout of stress is totally normal; it can even be healthy and helpful. But for some...
  • Symptoms of Cold Sores

    Don’t you just hate those little fever blisters on your lips that emerge about 2-3 times a year? You don’t remember when the fever blisters first emerged, and you can hardly tell when they are going to emerge next. You only feel a little burning one or maybe two...
  • The 3 Stages of Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a progressive infection in your gums and surrounding teeth and bones. Although the infection can occur at any age, it is most common among adults. If left untreated, gum disease can cause serious destruction to your teeth, gums, and bone. There are three main stages of gum disease....
  • Vertigo Treatments

    Vertigo is when you suddenly feel dizzy, as if the world is spinning—or as if you are. Occasionally, issues like migraines, neck injuries, or other cerebral disorders may be to blame, but more often the issue is an ear problem. Here is a look at how to treat vertigo. Vestibular...
  • How You Can Benefit From Walking

    Walking is among the easiest and most helpful exercise you can engage in to lose weight, relieve stress and stay fit. Taking a brisk walk or run in the morning also refreshes the body and puts it into good shape for the activities throughout the day. If you also...
  • Best Foods to Treat Colitis

    Looking for the colitis diet that’s right for you? There’s no one-size-fits-all eating plan for colitis, but certain foods pack a nutritional punch without irritating your digestive tract. With so many potential dietary triggers, it can be difficult for a person with ulcerative colitis to know what is safe...
  • 3 Things You Can Do To Reduce Constipation

    Going to the bathroom for a #2 can be pretty liberating. Unfortunately that is not the case for a person suffering from constipation. Constipation causes one to be in pain and/or strain during defecation. They may experience hard stools and irregular bowel movements. In children, it mostly occurs after...
  • Dry Eyes? Here Are Some Natural Remedies

    Dry eye occurs when the eyes fail to produce enough tears so as to stay properly lubricated. In certain instances, sufficient tears are usually produced but they are of poor quality and thus they evaporate too quickly. A tear play a very important role in warding off infection, promoting...
  • Useful Tips For Managing Your Diabetes

    Did you know that over 18 million adults and children in the United States have been diagnosed with diabetes? Common signs and symptoms of diabetes include: Always needing to urinate Always being thirsty Unexplained weight gain or weight loss Fatigue Prone to infections Slow healing of minor injuries (cuts,...
  • What is Diarrhea and How is it Treated?

    What is Diarrhea If you are experiencing three or more loose bowel movements in a day, you are suffering from a condition known as diarrhea. An episode of loose bowels simply means that the increase of water is present in the fecal matter, sometimes making the bowel movement a...
  • Tips for People Living with Bipolar Disorders

    Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mental illness that causes extreme highs and lows in both behavior and in state of mind. These sudden emotional shifts are referred to as either manic or depressive episodes, and they can be the source of great difficulties in the life of someone who...
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment

    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), also known as chronic granulocytic leukemia, is a condition where the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells. This article focuses on the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia using standard care procedure. Making a chronic myeloid leukemia treatment plan, patients are encouraged to consider...
  • What you Should Know about Blood Clots

    Blood clots are part of a body’s helpful, lifesaving defense system when they are working appropriately. Though blood is designed to flow freely and continuously for an entire lifetime, blood clots should form in order to stop one from bleeding to death. Clotting is triggered when blood comes into...
  • Symptoms of Diarrhea

    Diarrhea develops from bacterial imbalances in the digestive flora of the stomach and the colon, causing painful bloating, loose bowels, stomach cramping, and dehydration. When the delicate balance of bacteria in the digestive system is disrupted, inflammation in the lining of the colon can quickly exacerbate illness. Colon and stomach irritation...
  • Multiple Myeloma Staging Systems

    Staging is a common concept within cancer research that helps doctors determine the severity and track the progression of the disease. When it comes to multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, there are two primary staging models used to follow its development: the Durie-Salmon staging system and the International Staging...
  • Wisdom Teeth Pain: Signs, Remedies, and Treatment

    Wisdom teeth can cause serious pain if they’re not allowed to develop normally. In some cases, there may not be enough room in the jaw for them to fully emerge, which causes parts of them to stay below the gum line and grow at awkward angles that places pressure...
  • Know About Root Canal Treatment

    Root canals have a nasty reputation, and it’s no wonder as tooth pain can be not only difficult to minimize but excruciating. The end goal of a root canal is to get rid of that tooth pain once and for all, and making it through the recovery process isn’t...
  • What is Asthma?

    Asthma is a chronic health condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the airways of the lungs. This inflammation or obstruction results when the airways overreact to certain factors making it difficult to breathe. The inflammation can also result in constriction and irritability of airways, mucus production and...
  • Understanding Allergy Symptoms

    Have you or somebody you know dealt with allergy symptoms lately? We live in an increasingly polluted world with loads of foreign substances making their way into our bodies either though inhalation, ingestion, or other forms of exposure- so it’s really no surprise when individuals experience symptoms of allergies....
  • Understanding Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of virtually body-wide pain. Although it is still not completely understood, it seems to be characterized by poor sleep, cognitive problems, head-to-toe pain and stiffness, and a variety of other physical and psychological symptoms severe enough to interfere with everyday life. Although the exact...
  • How Prostate Cancer Is Diagnosed

    There are several ways that physicians can detect and diagnose prostate cancer. Because prostate cancer can present few to no symptoms until it spreads to other parts of the body, it’s normally discovered during routine exams. These exams are generally recommended for men beginning at age 40, although those...
  • Symptoms Of Glaucoma

    Glaucoma is often thought of as a single disease, but the term actually describes a group of eye conditions that cause optic damage and possible loss of vision. Usually, the damage is caused by abnormally high pressure within the eye, and glaucoma is one of the primary causes of...
  • Treatment Of Glaucoma

    Glaucoma is a family of eye diseases that slowly reduce vision capabilities by damaging the optic nerve that controls sight. The most common form of glaucoma involves a heightened level of pressure on the eye because the fluids in the eye are not draining because ducts have been clogged;...
  • Sleeping Disorders: Narcolepsy vs Sleep Paralysis

    Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by lapsing into a deep sleep in seconds, regardless of what is going on. It comes with difficult-to-manage symptoms like excessive daytime sleepiness, disrupted nocturnal sleep, and cataplexy, a condition where sudden weakness affects the body, in part or in whole. Additionally, the entire...
  • Discussing an Eating Disorder with Your Family

    Admitting to your family that you’re struggling with an eating disorder is difficult, but opening up to your closest loved ones can make the recovery process much easier. If you’re unsure of how you should start this conversation with your relatives, use these suggestions to navigate through any potential difficulties....
  • 5 Things You Should Not Be Doing To Your Ears

    Ear health is a critical part of your overall well being, and is often not discussed enough. This causes people to fail to acknowledge the detrimental effects of things they may be doing to their ears on a regular basis! Inserting Cotton Swabs You should not be doing to...
  • Get the Ultimate Hair Loss Treatment for Your Hair, hair loss, hair loss treatment

    Ultimate Hair Loss Treatment Options

    Hair loss is a major concern for many men. There have been countless claims of miracle cures that can jump start hair growth immediately. Few of these cures do as they advertise, but there are some solutions that truly improve hair loss. 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors One of the most...
  • Diagnosing Bladder Cancer

    Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the bladder. Bladder cancer symptoms can include blood in your urine, pain urinating, and pelvic pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or any other symptoms that worry you, see your doctor as soon...
  • Causes of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (or CML) is a cancer of the blood found specifically in white blood cells. CML causes the rapid proliferation and growth of mostly myeloid cells within the bone marrow. These cells build up within the blood and cause numerous problems. CML is a stem cell disorder of...
  • Treatments For Gum Disease

    Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is caused when the tissue and bones surrounding the teeth become swollen and infected. The two stages of gum disease are known as gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease in which the gums become swollen, red,...
  • Coping with Menopause

    Menopause can be frustrating, irritating, embarrassing, and feel like the end of the world. Not only do the physical and behavioral symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, urinary incontinence, and a dry vagina make it wildly uncomfortable, many women have difficulty accepting this change psychologically. Luckily, there are many...
  • How You Can Manage Your Diabetes

    A diagnosis of diabetes can have a great impact on your life, changing the way that you can live. However, it does not have to be the end of the world. But how can you manage your diabetes? With simple changes, especially to your diet, you can help to...
  • Managing AFib Naturally

    AFib (Atrial fibrillation) is a common abnormal heart rhythm. It has plagued millions of people. AFib is associated with an increased risk for stroke, heart failure, dementia and mortality. Other risk factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart failure, heart attack, thyroid disease and obesity. AFib also occurs...
  • Tips of Crohn Natural Treatment

    Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea, sometimes bloody, and weight loss. Viruses, bacteria, diet, smoking, certain medications, and stress have all been suggested as environmental triggers, but there is no definite evidence that any...
  • 9 Things That are Increasing Your Risk of Early Menopause

    There is no crystal ball or DNA test to predict when menopause will hit, though your best bet would be to look at exactly when your mother or older sisters first experienced their own menopause. “Family history is often the best predictor,” states Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical doctor...
  • What You Need To Know About Chickenpox and Shingles

    Chickenpox and shingles Chickenpox and its viral cousin, shingles, are caused by the varicella-zoster virus. They are highly contagious diseases that are more dangerous to teens and adults than to most children. Extreme itchy spots that are raised all over the skin characterize these diseases. Most adults and teens...
  • What Causes Shingles

    Shingles (herpes zoster; zoster; or zona) is a painful, blistering skin rash, most commonly appearing as a band or stripe on one side of the body. The rash evolves into clusters of blisters, which fill with fluid, and finally, within seven to ten days, the blisters crust over. Eventually,...
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Options

    Rheumatoid arthritis, commonly known as RA, refers to an autoimmune disease where the immune system (which normally protects the body’s health by attacking foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria), mistakenly attacks the body joints. This, in turn, creates inflammation which causes the tissues that line the inside of...
  • Leukemia: The Different Types

    Leukemia occurs due to development of mutations of DNA in the white blood cells. It’s not yet still clear what causes the mutations to grow. These mutations causes the cells to develop and divide too fast than normal to maintain their life. The most common change in DNA in...
  • Managing Diabetes with Blood Sugar Control

    It seems harder and harder these days to turn on the news or scroll through headlines without seeing the words “health,” “diabetes,” or “obesity” jumping out at you. The obesity epidemic is only getting worse, and with that, the number of diabetes victims in our country is climbing. This...
  • 10 Common Reasons for Diarrhea

    Diarrhea is a condition that causes a person’s stool to be looser and more liquid than normal. While diarrhea affects almost everyone at some point in their lives, its origins are not always identical. Here are ten of the most common causes of diarrhea: Medications that contain magnesium, such as...
  • Hemorrhoids: What You Need To Know

    Speaking about hemorrhoids may not feel like a positive discussion, however, you will be amazed at the volume of folks who regularly experience hemorrhoids. If a vein in the anus or rectum becomes twisted or enlarged, it most likely turns into hemorrhoid. There are many factors why hemorrhoids originate and...
  • What Are the Stages of Pancreatic Cancer?

    Dealing with cancer is difficult, but when the verdict is pancreatic cancer, the survival rate is only 25 percent for the first five years after the diagnosis. Like all other cancers, staging occurs from the beginning. The oncologist will base the stages upon various factors, such as if the...
  • 7 Terms to Know About Tooth Decay

    Tooth decay can happen to the best of us, but educating yourself on this potentially painful dental condition can help you prevent it in the first place. Here are seven important terms that relate to tooth decay: Cavities Cavities are holes in the teeth caused by tooth decay. Left...
  • Myths Of Cystic Fibrosis

    Cystic fibrosis is a chronic condition that causes recurring, persistent lung infections that progressively limit your ability to breathe. Approximately 30,000 people in the United States are currently living with cystic fibrosis, with about 1,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Every state in the US is now required to...